This compilation is an output of a few days of mine where I have been blank from the top without letting my brain work the normal way. Wanted to just experience it. Also, given the fact that it has been made to stretch for quite sometime now, wanted to give it a little break as well ;) (Just hope it is not too long though). So, here goes the experiences and a few observations in this one month where my brain has literally not thought in its usual way.
Discovery of the defaults:
There are a few default activities which the neurons will be pre-programmed for. These activities are the ones essential for you in life. For a normal social living with a commonly agreed behavior. They are the ones without which you might not be identified as a normal human being by the external society. On a normal day, this whole process of facts would have lead me to a lot of queries from within questioning the existence of such external influences. But since I had switched my mind off, it was at peace; just accepting the facts and moving on to the next.
These pre-programmed activities actually allow you to re-discover yourself and it lets you at times to discover what you actually have been doing since quite sometime now. The derivation out of this is something which took me by surprise. (It was more of a logical derivation which stuck me while writing this up :P). The point is, if this act of yours which you would have done sometime back and hence registered in your 100+TB of memory allows you to feel happy and satisfied, you have actually discovered your passion! It might not be true always though.
A few built-ins:
In the due course of you playing various roles in your life in order to take it forward, there are a few more characteristics which you would be embedded with. These also to a great extent qualify for being default. But the reason why I have not categorized them as defaults is the fact that these characteristics gets associated with you by choice and not by force. Though you might be pushed into doing a few things by force, at the end of it, they will eventually turn-out to be a choice (because if you had a better choice, you would have gone ahead and done that instead). Even these gets executed without any hassles without much input signals reaching the brain which demands it to work.
A few forced actions:
This was the most difficult part to deal with in the due course of the transition. These are the actions which you would have to perform since you have committed your presence else where. It may work or any other personal commitments which you might not have intense interest in. But, due to the fact that you have committed your contribution, you will be forced to stretch your brain there. Now, this is the case if the brain is not left blank as well. But, there will be a difference in execution of the act when it comes the brain being left blank. This was one observation I had when I introspected and thought back as to if there was a better way of handling things. Well, there actually was a difference. Most of the acts performed were based on the built-in capabilities which I had and the outcome of a solution for a problem was something which I would have obviously done (logically going by the historic record etc). This lead me to a thought process which said "It might be the case where the history speaks and the experiences of history provides a solution". Well, I couldn't arrive at any conclusion though.
Creative actions:
It did not come to my surprise that there were not many creative actions performed in this period of time. There were no actions which spoke of me being different from what I would have done with a 1-2 months of lesser experience in life (It might not have been humongous different though...). Even the interest levels for me towards the acts performed were at a lower end. I was not the same old enthusiastic person and to my surprise it was very evident!
I am not planning to bug you guys any more now! At the end of it, the only moral which I could practically prove out of this exercise is "Thinking is the source of Innovation. Historic events provide solutions to any problem in an expected manner which the world might accept as it is supposed to be proven; but this will not be the ultimate solution to the problem which would have been better dealt if there was some innovation attached. Be foolish; be hungry!"