Friday, November 18, 2011

The missing link

My mind has been going through a lot of unrelated thoughts since a week or two now. And today was the day when music helped me figure out the missing link between those thoughts... Thanks to this new fusion music series of Dewarists!

A week back, I read an article on the three traits of an individual which will 'qualify' him to be fired from an innovative setup which led to a very healthy discussion with an old friend. The same day, other duties were calling me - I then moved on to discuss some marketing strategies with a friend being a pessimistic devil's advocate! ... Thoughts around concepts continued over the week and carried over to the next. Came across this really wonderful series of Dewaristis in the morning today. Strings of music were just humming in my ears all day long. Once at home, followed the entire series and experienced the whole process of creation of fusion music... Was amazing!

'Why am I saying all this and why are you reading all this and what does it all have to do with the title of this article? FO man...!' should have been your natural reaction at this moment of time...! :) But hey! Hang on! I have just started off... Am sure you are gonna enjoy the rest of the writeup!

Well... there was one thing in common what I observed across all these activities over the last 2 weeks. PASSION. Yes! That is the magical word connecting all of it. If you happened to click on the hyperlink for the article above, it reflects how impassionate people can create an immatured environment and thus impaire innovation! If the team is driven by the passion of the end result, money, time and any other parameter in life doesn't really matter!

I literally am bugged of the kind of work I am doing right now; there isn't anything which can drive me crazy out there at work. But when I started discussing things with another old friend of mine around the marketing strategies required, customer perceptions blah blah; I felt like I have got my life back on track! I ended up my day with goose bumps all over... thoughts in my mind which could prevail for the next few days... ideas, creativity and what not!

Then came the game changer... Yes! The dewarists ... An amazing series with an astounding display of passion about music. The journey towards achievement, the love for passion, the struggle to get to where they are today... All they knew is that they liked music and they wanted to play music. They were bloody good at it for sure. Else they wouldn't have come this far.

I am glad that I am starting my weekend on a high... High on thoughts, high on energy and hope its gonna be a fun ride for the next two days...!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Managing a change

When the whole country is behind a 74 year old man having an honest intension of eradicating corruption from an emerging economy, I was busy scheduling my trips around EU. The next time I spoke to my parents back in India, they were mentioning about the anti-corruption fire burning in India. Well, this blog is definitely not about the same issue and ‘my perspectives’ to it!

I thought it will be better for me to write about something which I have experienced over the past year at workplace and leave it to the reader’s imagination to link it up with the situations around rather than writing an entire booklet about the hottest topic around the world! I have been a Change Analyst since the last December where I am responsible to change the perceptions of people to adapt to a process oriented set up. Sounds easy? Yeah… but difficult on the ground! It is about changing the way of working for people who have seen things working without processes. It is about changing the thought process and turn around the way in which things have been working!

It was an exciting start early this year. The whole community of IT users came back to work after their Christmas of 2010 and what they see back at work? No more the same control, process, people to work with, etc. So, on a whole, a cultural shock to the way of working from what they saw before going home for Christmas! Not that they did not know about the change; but as a universal fact, things start affecting only when you start realizing it and relating yourself to it. As expected, there were agitations, unhappiness and an overall negative environment around.

As a department, IT came up with shit loads of documents and bombarded them on the business community. Acceptable? NO! Not at all! It was termed ‘being bureaucratic’ by the community! All they needed was people to hand hold them through the change. Having realised that, we went into a mode of conversation with them. All the agreements which were initially made during the time of design of this migration phase started to look void. There was a phase where the business community was literally shouting at the top of their voices against our actions!

Having seen the (over) reactions, we changed our approach of managing the change. We started speaking their language. Treated them as a child who understands the same thing said in a way he would expect. There we saw a connect! But, in the due course of this change, there were a lot of people who were very much against the process and decided to move on. Was it bad? Well, all I would say is that, I would have been a lot more happy if they had stayed for a few more months! The joy would have been their’s.

The movement of these old guys came as a blessing in disguise for we at IT. There came a fresh set of individuals with whom we could establish a better thought process and a better frequency resonance! In between all this, there was a Change catalyst among the business community who always took the pain under the wrong part of his body but stuck on to the new way of doing things. Having noticed all this over a couple of months, we opened up. Wide open to ideas; shifted from a mode of ‘We want this to happen in this way’ to ‘let us discuss and decide what is the best workable solution amongst the both of us and create a win-win platform’. There was the turn-around which we waited for a good 3-4 months! What I see today after a good 8 months spent on doing things at the ground level is a healthy environment which has so much agility and fun!

Having said that, I questioned myself - should we have been an open book from Day 1? I don’t think so! The situation has to be tackled exactly like moulding a child. The situation wouldn’t have been smooth after say 6 months if we had been an open book since Day 1. If your question is why, here goes the explanation. What will a child do when you don’t give him a boundary? Unknowingly he will get into a lot of troubles. There has to be a care taker initially telling the dos and don’ts. After that phase, give them a little bit of freedom and let them mould, learn on the ground, experience etc. A similar situation here…

Now, do you want to compare this with the situation around the nation? I shall leave it to you :)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

A practicle scenario...

Here I am in the train on my way to visit an old friend and thought it to be the best time to pen down my thoughts. It has been a long while now since I have done this. Just been crazily hanging around a few crappy decisions to be taken in life!

In the due course of firefighting situations back at office, I happened to have a wonderful talk with one of my managers about handling clients and serving them in the way they want keeping in view the goals of the company you are working for. From the management quotient - 'How do I create a Win-Win situation?' Not so complex yeah? Get to the ground and get your hands dirty, you will understand the complexity of it :). Nevertheless, it was more in terms of letting the clients to be open enough to express their TRUE concerns for issues so that we can handle the ground level realities rather than the top level politics. So here goes my thoughts about the same...

First let me start with my perception of a W-W platform. To pull out another terminology, it maps to 'Collaborative growth saying you grow, I will help you grow, thus both of us grow!' Phew! Too much yeah? ;) … In the process of encouraging growth for both enterprises, the situation becomes highly political if you include the parameter of 'Multiple Vendor Management'. From a client mangers' perspective, 'Why do I have to be open for you to grow?' might be the biggest question. Also considering the fact that they have their own goals in managing the vendors (generally associated with 'how much money you save'), it becomes a norm for them to go in for an optimal solution from any of the vendors. Does a contractual obligation limit this thought process of a client manager? - May be of may be not (depends on the exit clause of the contract).

Given all the situations above, being open becomes highly complex at the management level. What will an account manager do in such situations? Specially if the project teams are going through a bad time, what will be the sales pitch of the account manager? On what ground can he / she ask for an account expansion? … Capabilities? What have we done in the past? What we can do? If these points are brought forward, all that can be got back is a tight slap! Let me take you all back to a few centuries ago - a war scenario (the birth of strategy); a similar situation with different roles and responsibilities. The only answer which worked successfully - be aggressive and step on a few dead bodies! Do you actually have to do that? Well... in situations like this, I feel that it will definitely work. Kill your competitors either by performing better than them or by putting them into situations where they under perform on a comparative scale.

But the biggest question here - Where on earth will you get the data to do all this? (This made me grin - literally...). You will have to rely on people at the ground level to go ahead with such scenarios. Get the information in terms of who is doing what - from both technical and management perspective. This becomes a hell of task to analyse all the data by one person. That is when the organizational hierarchy comes into picture. The way ahead - come up with templates for data collection, distribute it among the mid-level management people. Excel is a very powerful tool! Automate the initial phase of data analytics; add the other psychological parameters; Come up with a penetration strategy. Sounds all familiar and simple once you read it right? Get to the ground and experience the nuances...

Signing off for now, been a very effective journey to Slough in terms of bringing a thought process across