Thursday, June 25, 2015

A thought - Travel policies, Greece

I have been following up with the news of the Greek gods melting down owing to the bad financial policies of the nation and hence reduced employment opportunities for the locals. Tough decisions like reducing the pensions, increasing VAT along with administrative reforms had to be taken in the past to let the economy sustain to its current levels. This doesn’t of course augment the huge surplus the government will get if they recover the tax to be paid by the rich locals (who in essence are controlling the economy and hence political that way to take that route as well…). All these led me to think towards what will happen to one of the most picturesque destinations in the world. The implications are high. If not in the euro zone, Greece will be one of the third world nations and high rate of unemployment will surely lead to a lot of corruption and hence the nation will enter a vicious circle.

All said and done, what does it mean to the travelers? Can people still take it for granted to travel around Greece? Will it continue to be safe and care free? May be not unless the government realizes that travel can turn out to be one of their main stream incomes and employment creator. Policies need to be modified accordingly to ensure that the income doesn’t stop there but on a contrary increases. If Greece goes to be categorized as one of the third world countries, the expense to travel to and around Greece will surely come down. Due to the increase in competition, the below implications can be foreseen:
  • Rich can exploit the opportunities as they have the power and reach
  • For the small players, the market becomes highly competitive with low margins
  • With lower margins come lower quality
  • With lower quality of travel, the category A travelers reduce
  • That will mean lesser income and lower employment and GDP growth

It might turn out to be as bad as I described above. But there are every indications of the scenario turning out to be as above owing to the steps taken by the previous government. Hope there are better policies made by Alexis Tsipras’s team. At towards travel & leisure industry, I think the below should be put in place:
  • Categorize the travel and fix a cap and floor for each category
  • Associate a government fee (apart from tax) - in turn offer to maintain standards across
  • Law & Order needs to be maintained. It is easy to be carried away with other nations investing and hence taking control of the country with lesser investment in defense and education. But it is very myopic a view
  • Encourage more entrepreneurs invest in the travel sector with innovative business models. The message here is to go aggressive rather than be submissive about the wrong doings of the past

There is of course more to it. These are just starters which should help them sustain the income and maintain the quality if Greece gets qualified as a third world nation.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Everyone has a Buddha within

Spirituality is experienced irrespective of religion, opinion, sect, region or gender. The experiences in life defines the intensity and frequency of this experience. They say that life should have an aim else you do not have something to look forward for every day. Spirituality teaches you that no aim is worth it. Life is in fact beyond all one achieves. Beyond everything any soul exists for. No desires, end goals - nothing matters at all. The more you learn, the more you earn. Of course there needs to be enough to take you forward towards the end of a physical life. That is what is the struggle for. But once you have all that, there isn't any necessity of a materialistic pleasure.

The association of spirituality is usually done with the mountain ranges. Always wonder the reason behind it. Any journey of spirituality, is arduous with lots of hurdles in between - family, emotions, society, desires and much more. You need to stand tough undeterred even with all of these around. Every day is new. Every day needs to be welcomed with a smile - no matter what. When you know that discovering one self is much more than anything else - beyond the fact of unified theory of physics, that is what triggers you to move ahead towards submission.

Likewise travel is another which lets you go through the learning process of variety and gives you the open mind needed to accept and move on. Not get associated with anything though you like it. Moving on is the only way ahead. Meet, greet and stay happy as long as you travel. Beyond all the materialistic pleasure, travel teaches existence with minimalistic resources.

A few thoughts as an output of high influence of Buddhism off late...