Well well... my quest for knowledge continued and I started asking more and more questions to myself and to the people associated with me. I have offlate been into a mode of finding a relationship between vedanta/upanishad etc and physics. The basic reason being I believe that anything and everything that we have spiritually today (which is supposed to have been proposed by our ansestors) must have a logic behind it without which there is no point in which it can be quantified and presented in a way the world accepts it.
Okay... I had a very abrupt start in it though. I was reading a book called "Modern Physics and Vedanta" authored by Swami Jitatmananda of the Ramakrishna Math. I there was refreshed upon by the concept of the existance of the cosmic planes in particle physics. To give a brief; whenever an electron or a proton rotates around a nucleus, it does so in an orbit in the cosmic plane. Now I wanted to relate it to the cosmic plan talked about in meditation. The basic concept of meditation revolves around the 7 chakras present in the human body. If one can relate it to physics, this actually is how deep you go in identifying what is the finest particle with which your body is made of. When you reach to a level where you identify the existance of an atom in your body, this will basically pull you towards the same plane as the sub-atomic particles are in. Hence you will be in this cosmic plane!
Okay... this was just a hypothesis which I could derive out of my thinking. I need to find out the actuality of the situation through some more research on the proven theories in physics and some more in-depth knowledge about meditation which I shall be doing in the due course of time.
There is lot more actually. This whole concept of "Brahman" is related to the unified theory which the physicists all over the world today are trying to prove. :) ... Sounds exciting right!! :)
There was one more observation which I could make related to the massless paticles... When meditation reaches its highest level, I have heard that one reaches a level where he doesnt have a control over his body and his body for that period of time becomes immaterial to him. He starts acting with his 'manas'. Can this be the massless situation talked about in physics?
According to physics, a sub-atomic particle will reach a massless situation hypothetically when it travels at the speed of light. Say for example, photon, when it travels at the speed of light can be considered massless. Here Heisenberg's uncertainity principle also comes into picture! But in reality there is no concept of massless!
Coming back to meditation; when a stage is reached where you are in a different plane and when the claims of you virtually travelling around the world is made, is it actually this stage of a sub-atomic particle? Because through meditation the ultimatum could be you identifying your inner self which is made of these sub-atomic particles... So I am jsut wondering if this is the stage where you move a step ahead to the sub-atomic plane from the atomic plane and hence you have the capability of moving with a speed equivalent to that of light :O... While young I had heard SubrahmaNya (the elder son on Lord Shiva) going around the world 3 times on his vahana (a peacock) by the time Ganesha made three rounds of his parents... Now.. w.r.t the above hypothesis, was this vahana just a hypothecation to signify the plane in which he was? I am not really sure about the existance of the entity called God first of all... thats a different entity to research about altogether. But if I go by the assumption that they do exist and the stories surrounding them are true, do all the vahanas of the Hindu God indicate the same?
My questioning continues... and hence the research... :)
I was able to arive at one more concept related to music and physics... medine and physics. This was an output out of a discussion with my mom who has done some research on music. We would have heard about the existance of music leading to the extensive growth of plants... or curing of ailments in animals etc... A thought came into my mind that it might be because of the concept of resonance. Even though the other living organisms cannot communicate as a human does, the basic concept of frequency generated out of the pharynx and the ear drums responding to the vibrations outside (in case of fauna) still exists. Hence I personally feel that all these might be because of this concept of "RESONANCE" explained in physics. Even this different ragas in music to be sung at different time frames is in some way related to the electromagnetic waves generated by the natural environment. Thats probably why Tansen was able to light that diya in the court. This again is another hypothesis I am making. I am just wrting down my thought process which I underwent today.
I shall definitely get back with statistical, scientific and mythological proofs for this either to validate these thoughts or to negate these thoughts in sometime :)
ReplyDeleteYours views on music are worth thinking about.
But the other stuff, although interesting... there are plenty of things I'd like to comment about. First of all, the very idea behind that book "physics and vedanta" is baseless. These so-called vedantis have nothing better to do than to "scietifically" explain whatever "they" say is there in vedas. There have been plenty of books and research and conferences held in these lines and I have had the misfotune of attending some of them. Most of the lectures are baseless, stupid to the extent of making a mockery of vedas by trying to "scientifically" explain them! First of all, anyone who has not read Physics in detail, in its true mathematical form, understood its essense properly, has no business talking about it and most of the times they are hopelessly wrong.
And this Swami Jitatmananda is not a Physicist so his views do not matter. He does not understand anything in this subject and its obvious by what he refers to as "To give a brief; whenever an electron or a proton rotates around a nucleus, it does so in an orbit in the cosmic plane" First of all, proton does not rotate around the nucleus, it is inside the nucleus. There is no "plane of motion" of the electron. Different orbitals have different probability distributions of finding the electron there! Their shapes and sizes are different, there is nothing 2-dimensional like a plane! And, there is nothing called "cosmic plane"- the very idea is preposterous!
And, you say, "According to physics, a sub-atomic particle will reach a massless situation hypothetically when it travels at the speed of light. Say for example, photon, when it travels at the speed of light can be considered massless." - Photon "always" travels at the speed of light. It is light. Nothing which has a mass can attain the speed of light because as it's speed increases, it's mass will also increase (special theory of relativity). Now, without the knowledge of all these things, it would be wrong to conclude about "physics and vedanta".
And, last but not the least, stop comparing science and mythology. Gods and their stoties are mythological and they are only stories. Read them as stories, enjoy them as stories and leave them there!
I'd suggest you read the following books "Special theory of relativity" by Robert Resnick, "modern physics" by Arthur Beiser and "particle physics" by Griffiths. Read them, understand them, and then see whatever you have written above makes any sense at all!
I must also recommend this article before everything else "Postmodernism, Hindu nationalism and Vedic science- by Meera Nanda" Read it here:
Thanks for dropping in Padma... I am not a physicist to validate all of them that I have written. It was just a vague idea which I got... Hence thought of penning it down. Thata the reason y I have said I need to valide either to support these or negate these :)...
ReplyDeleteShall surely read the books/articles.
Please don't feel offended by my comments. I feel rather strongly about these things and have had plenty of debates about these issues. Hence a heated reply came!
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