After pretending to be busy for more than a month, here I am back to the basics! Must say, it has just been a good turn around in the past one month or so in terms of relationship management, learning and health! Kick boxing has really helped me to scale up my fitness level before I plunge into the D-day to submit myself to nature's lap and say 'Miles to go before I sleep ... (credits to the Canadian artist for this ever encouraging statement!)'
Nevertheless getting back to the thought process which provoked me to write today; it has been months since I have been thinking about this concept of grooming in a corporate world. I off late end up in discussions which tend to end up in this wonderful concept of grooming the kids! I was in fact amazed with one such conversation in particular where the plan was to plan for a grooming session for organizational promotions. Having groomed a good and co-operative team in the past, these are a few pointers which I feel are essential for an organization to adapt for them to build the next-gen professionals:
>> Psychographic analysis - Not all individuals need hand holding. As a person at the top, one needs to realize 'how to deal with whom.' I like to quote this snippet from a Sanskrit poem which says '... praptetu shoDashe varshe, putram mitramvadaachareth'; meaning once the son (kid) reaches an age group of 16, he has to be treated like a friend by his parents. So, you should know when to guide and when not to. Too much of hand-holding might put the person being groomed in a situation where he wouldn't commit a mistake and wouldn't have dirtied his hands to deal with things later! So, a lot of psychographic analysis needs to go in before you decide how to groom an individual.
>> Conflict Management - I see conflict as an inbuilt boon in any team. Though it makes the situation a bit inconvenient for a few in the team, parking the egos help! This is a very hard lesson to learn as it demands a change in the way an individual works. It takes years for a few and just a few days for a few; majorly dependant on the maturity level of the individual involved in the transformation process. Having seen it myself, I would strongly recommend a good talk around ego and anger management to resolve conflicting situation. This will give a perspective of thought process for the person being groomed himself as he can experience it first hand!
>> Birds' eye view - It is necessary for people moving to more responsible positions to have an organizational perspective of their day-day work. This not only helps in aligning their thought to that of the organization, but also in adding to the maturity level of the individual. He / She will surely come out of the cocoon being an adorable butterfly!
>> Being politically transparent - Transparency of operations is one thing which I have seen working in an organization; be it a small team or a huge corporate. At the same time, people at all walks of the hierarchy should keep in mind about the consequences of being transparent. Hence a balance should be drawn in terms of what has to be transparent in what ways etc. It necessarily doesn’t mean that one has to lie always; but has to be matured enough to realize and accept the fact that not everyone views the information in the way you meant. Even a small coin has atleast two faces! So, political correctness has to be imbibed!
These are a few essentials which I feel has to be imbibed in a grooming session and one cannot expect to be done with grooming overnight! To sum it up ‘Professional maturity’ is the key word and an organization should realize the importance of such a session and view it as a strategic way forward instead of a time & material calculation...
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