Can you do that?? Do you have enough patience to be sandwiched? Can you deal with the top as well as the bottom layers? Can you be a football for the rest of the players on the field to play? etc etc...
In the quest for beating the rest in the rat race and 'Growing' in the industry, one has to deal with the mid-management layer. As my idle days at office continued, I pondered over the career progression offered by the industry. Well, it makes a lot of sense. Though Elliott Jaques considers this as one of the factors for the occurrence of Midlife crisis, it definitely is something which one has to go through.
Usually in this stage of the career, a person gets into a lot of gray areas which tests his patience. The interactions with BOP seem to be obvious; the interactions with the TOP seem to be ridiculous. Though he might know what has to be done to get things done in the right way, he might not be given powers to implement it (strictly coz of the fact that the data available to the guys at the top is very much different). This raises the frustration level and thus might affect his contribution to the company.
The best way to deal with this problem - 'Think in their shoes. Wear a different shoe when you enter into a different discussion...' and Voila! It works! While the concept of 'Six thinking Hats' deals with the different angles of decision making; it is highly applicable for the day-day situations that a person at the mid-management level undergoes. By doing this, unknowingly, he will be grooming himself up for the growth. Having been at the lower levels more recently than his managers, one should be in a better position to strike a connect with them in order to understand them and sync with their thought process. In the quest of growing up, one should be in a position to strike a chord with the top layer.
The question that people at this level often go through is - 'Do I have to really go through all this in order to earn a few bucks?' Well... yes my dear friend; you have to! That is when you will be broadening your reach, getting to understand the different angles of the human psychology, understanding the bigger picture, polishing yourself etc. These are just a few essential traits to deal with the issues faced by the top management. Either you startup someday or grow in the industry to reach the top; immaterial of the path taken, these traits are highly essential for an individual.
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